Daviess County residents with property damage from Saturday morning’s storms should report it online at in211.org.
Just click on DAMAGE REPORTING and submit a report.
If you are unable to do so online, you can call 211 or 866-211-9966 and answer some questions regarding the damage. The Daviess County Emergency Management Agency says reporting helps determine the total amount of damages from the storm to see if assistance is needed. That number is for home damage reporting; anyone with farm-related damge should call 812-254-8668. That is the number for the Daviess County office of the Purdue Extension Agency.
Also, if you were impacted by the storms, you can call the American Red Cross for assistance at 800 Red Cross or 800-733-2767. All those numbers are available with thie story at (Website).

Tornado Damage Reporting is Greatly Urged
By Tom Zimmerman
Mar 17, 2025 | 5:05 AM
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